Investment, Mentorship, EiR
your partner in the leadership behind growth, innovation & transformation

your partner in the leadership behind growth, innovation & transformation
Imagine a world in which you identify a few of your most painful, thorniest business problems, then give one of our executives control over the domain for anywhere from six to twenty months and have them almost miraculously resolved.
We've been referred to as smokejumpers, fixers, and even Mary Poppins.
We like that last reference best.
We whisk into your world, rapidly immerse into it, fix it, spin up laurels for you, stay only for as long as we are needed, then discreetly slip away.
Our managing partners and deep network of executives are at your disposal across several key industries: tech (mobile, gaming, software), healthcare, entertainment, real estate, food & nutrition, viticulture, intellectual property, and retail – and at the points of convergence among them.
We work as executives in residence in short and long-term appointments – all the way from traditional full-time employee and interim leadership type of appointments, to investing in your idea, mentorship, advisory, consultancy, and even pro-bono work for 501(c)(3) entities and benefit corporations.
We are highly selective and very discreet.
We help when:
We are executives who are known for our ability to execute and extract stellar results at the pace you need. Typically, we work in roles that are hard to place and critical to your organization's success.
With uncertainty, risk, and the expense of placement higher than ever before, our sort of action-oriented, metrics-focused, flexible leadership makes more sense than ever.
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